Prior to this, all of your facebook events would sync even no matter what you RSVP'd. This updated method will only sync according to what you RSVP! This method also makes it easier to setup.
That's when it hit me - was there a way to sync my Facebook Events with my iPhone? I actually managed to find a quick solution to this after googling around! Here is a complete 5 minute tutorial, assuming you have no calendar's synced to your iPhone (works on iPod Touch too!)
Warning: This method requires you to have a gmail account. It's free to sign up anyways...hotmail is so 2000.
Adding your Gmail Calendar
Step 1:
Go to Settings>Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account...> Other > Add CalDAV Account
This must be done in this very specific way, otherwise it will not work (believe me, I've tried)
Note! If you already have your gmail calendar synced as part of your Gmail account, or as an Exchange account, delete them after you add this one, or you'll end up with epic double entries!! (WOAHH...DOUBLE ENTRIES!)
Step 2:
Type in the following :
You should now see the following under Mail, Contacts, Calendars:
Note how your Gmail e-mail is just for mail and notes,while your newly created "Google Calendar" is for calendars (technically we shouldn't have to do this, but for some reason it doesn't work that way =/ )
iPhone prep is done! Now onto Facebook...
Exporting your Facebook Events to Gmail Calendar
Step 3:
Go to this page: http://apps.facebook.com/fbcalendar/?ref=discovery
Box 1: Choose which events you want to show up on your calendar
Box 2: Click on Google Calendar and you will be redirected to it (log in if needed!)
Step 4:
A link should pop up on your Google Calendar: click "Yes, add this calendar"
A calendar called "FdCal Events" should now be visible!
Step 5:
Now go to https://www.google.com/calendar/iphoneselect on any browser and check the "FdCal Events" Calendar which you just added, so that your iPhone is given the go-ahead to sync the Facebook Calendar to your iPhone (This method works for shared calendars too, if you have any)
Open your Calendar app, give it awhile to sync (you should see a spinning wheel next to your wifi or 3G bar) and hopefully everything syncs up!
Notice how the colours of the dots are the same as the ones on Gmail Calendar. If you're not happy with the colours, then change them on Gmail and it should update on your iPhone!
Let me know if you've had any success with this tutorial!
Hope you can all stay that little bit more organised now =]