Thursday, January 7, 2010

[TUTORIAL] How to set up Mobile Blogging by email/MMS

For all you blogspot bloggers out there who find something interesting to blog about when you're out and about, here's a quick tutorial to get you started!

What you need:
A phone which can send MMS. (typical phones)
A phone which can send emails. (smart phones)

First, on your phone:
Step 1:
send an email to with subject "REGISTER" and also include REGISTER in the email body. You should get a reply saying your device has been registered.

Then, on your computer:
Step 2:
Log into your blogger account. You should be at the dashboard.

Step 3:
For the blog you wish to associate your mobile blog posting with, click on the mobile icon next to the title:
Step 4:
You will then be given a code to email or MMS to FROM YOUR MOBILE. Note: it will be different from the one shown below, that's just an example =]

Step 5:
Once you have received a confirmation message, you can now start blogging from your mobile device! Simply send the contents to from the registered email or device. It should look something like this:

Subject: [Insert Blog Post Title Here]
[Insert Blog Post Contents in the email body]

Happy blogging!

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